As for almost all angolans, Malaria is a major health risk for Sonamet’s employees. It is to improve the safety conditions of its employees that in 2002, Sonamet took the initiative to launch an ambitious Malaria Control Programme (MCP) with Subsea7 experts (Dr. Patrick Besnard), Dr. Pierre Carnevale from IRD (french Institute for the Research and Development) and experts from Cameroun and Angola. A dedicated MCP team, highly trained in blood analysis and in managing malaria outbreaks, is able to diagnose and effectively target treatment of the disease. The positive results of this program where immediately seen.

In addition, Sonamet sponsors a team of local and international experts to conduct studies on the transmission of Malaria in Bolombo's villages in Benguela region. Through this program Sonamet provides protection kits to the villagers.
The information from the studies are communicated to the Angolan health authorities to benefit the whole community and to launch new pilot projects in coordination with the Ministry of Health.Theses results are also published by the World Health Organisation (WHO), which has recognized the effectiveness of the MCP developed by Sonamet.

To know more DOWNLOAD our brochure
To read the latest publication about Malaria where Sonamet MCP provided its support :
Malaria overdiagnosis and subsequent overconsumption of antimalarial drugs in Angola: Consequences and effects on human health. (Released on March 2017)
Molecular epidemiology of drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Benguela province, Angola. (Released on June 2015)
The Anopheles gambiae cE5 salivary protein: a sensitive biomarker to evaluate the efficacy of insecticide-treated nets in malaria vector control. (Released on January 2015)

Sonamet’s contribution to the development of Benguela province:
Creation of a primary school in Lobito
Sponsorship of the Catumbela professional training center
Funding of two surgical departments in the maternity unit, the creation of a blood bank and a new medical laboratory in the pediatric department of Lobito hospital

Sonamet continuously works to achieve technical and social objectives set by the Angolan Ministry of Petroleum for the development of country's national oil and gas industry. Currently, close to 80% of Sonamet's workforce - including senior management - are Angolans and comes mainly from the Beguela province.
Sonamet has always encouraged the professional development of its employees. Training programs are developed each year to meet the company's long term development strategy.
Sonamet Training Center is unique in Angola with best in class Welding and Fitting training facilities. It includes 3 workshops with over 3,500 m², 80 Welding Boxes (MIG, MAG, TIG, etc.) and associated facilities.
• 1.3 million Professional Training hours provided since 2010.
• 1 770 Pipe Fitters and Welders fully trained for the Angolan market

Sonamet is committed to improve the local community. Sonamet has an active role in the social development of the Benguela community.The company has contributed to improve education and health throughout the province.